
We depend on your prayer for our work. Keep praying for us (link more link)

Supporting us through prayer is one of the things we cherish most.

Suggested topics for prayer –

Give thanks to God for the millions of people around the world that have received Bibles and access to God’s Word.

Give thanks for Bible Societies around the world, working in over 200 countries to spread the Word of God.

Keep praying for ongoing translations work in Dagaare, Gurune and Esahie. Also say a prayer for the Study Bible we are currently working on and for the Translators who do the work.

Pray for the distribution work, and volunteers all over.

Praise God for the persons who continuously give financially towards this work.

Pray for the Bible Society staff to accomplish the vision and mission set before us.

Give thanks for the Churches in Ghana for the winning of souls and the nourishment they provide for Christians.